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TAFI Meeting Round-Up and To-Do List

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Dear Team,

Thank you all for your participation in our recent TAFI Award=
s planning meeting. Below is a summary of the key points discussed and the =
corresponding to-do list.

Please review and take note of the assigned tasks and meeting=


Meeting Summary:

Mission Statement: Joel wi=
ll detail a clear and concise mission statement for the TAFI Awards.
Event Date Check: Karen or Lorna will che=
ck dates at the end of September/beginning of October for any other award s=
hows and events to avoid scheduling conflicts.
Award Categorie=
 We need to decide on the categories to be inc=
luded. Everyone will participate in this decision. Michael will create init=
ial notes in the event plan document to start the discussion.
PR Team Videos:
 Joel will send video examples of=
the type of events the PR team can produce.

Holiday Dates:

Lorna: 21st July – 4th August
Joel; St Kitts June 26 – July 4th
Michael: 15th July – 21st July

If anybody else has summer vacation or days of unavailability=
planned please inform us so we can add it to the diary.

Brand Guidelines and Logo: =
Michael will provide brand guidelines and logo examples.
Ambassador Sourcing: Everyone should suggest n=
ames of potential ambassadors who align with our brand principles.
Event Plan Refinement: Michael will refine =
the event plan, incorporating all discussed points and providing a detailed=
outline of the show.

Next Meeting Agenda Topics:

Event Delivery
Securing Sponsorship
PR Team Updates
Branding Bits
Any Other Business (AOB)

Action Item: Please s=
end your availability for the next meeting so we can schedule it accordingl=

Thank you for your commitment and collaboration. Let’s make t=
he TAFI Awards a memorable and impactful event!


Michael & Joel

Track and Field Inclusion Aw=
ards (TAFI Awards)

Hidden Greatness Podcast

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